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Today the way orchestrators get paid doesn't encompass the work that is being done. Broadcasters pay per estimated decoded pixel - this means that one transcoder can do much heavier transcoding than the other and they'll still get paid the same. On the other hand, broadcasters may underpay when orchestrators transcode to a lower-quality stream.
Describe the solution you'd like
We propose that broadcasters pay for the total source + decoded pixels. We think this is a simple way to calculate the cost and would capture the work being done by the transcoders. Obviously, the pricePerPixel will need to be slashed but the benefit is that as the protocol grows and supports multiple formats, each transcoder will get rewarded fairly for their work and the broadcasters will only pay for the work being done for them.
Describe alternatives you've considered
Another option is to bill based on the maximum work done. So if the input frame is higher resolution, then orchestrators gets paid on the source frame and vice versa. We think this will be a more complicated model in terms of implementation and billing for broadcasters.